Student Report

Tolu – 09-04-2024


Holiday Bootcamp


April 9, 2025


9:05 am


3:30 pm


Phoenix (Scratch Newbies)

Courses Learnt

Game Dev (Kodu)Python with PictoBlox


assignment for pictoblox AI, would be to create a face filter application, this time around using the general sprites(cap, glasses etc) and not the filter sprite. Her Kodu assignment is to create a maze


Pictoblox software for Pictoblox with AI Kodu software for Kodu class

Assessment (Last Week)

FOR PICTOBLOX, we have covered: 1. Introduction to AI 2. Examples of AI around us 3.Creating an emotion detector 4. Creating an object detector 5. Creating a face filter application 6.Creating a face filter application 7. Draw in air using human body detection FOR KODU: 1. creating different terrains 2. various tools and their uses. 3. currently learning the programming They also learnt about textured painting in their STEAM class and she was able to design a rose by herself


she is a really good student and can catch up really quick when she puts her mind to it. We are very excited to have her in class.

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