Mustafa – 09/04/24
Holiday Bootcamp
April 9, 2025
9:00 am
2:00 pm
Mozilla (Web Intermediate)
Courses Learnt
Sketchup, Python with PictoBlox
SketchUp : Model two pieces of furniture in your house (dining table and chairs, cabinet, bedroom, living room, etc)
Python with PictoBlox : Designing the Game Background
SketchUp software
Pictoblox software
Assessment (Last Week)
To our surprise, Mustafa grasped the SketchUp software quite quickly from the first day and has been handling simple projects in class with ease. He has been able to grasp the major tools and has been able to improve his creativity and imagination. He shows promise in the 3d modeling world.
In python, the concept of the class was new to him at first, and took a while to grasp. Overtime he has been able to use the knowledge of what he has learnt to create simple projects in class improving significantly. He is a promising student.
During the classses, he has been using kiddiesdroid systems, as his laptop does not have the capacity to handle the softwares needed for the classes. I do believe, that him having his own system would go a long way for his assigments and personal practice and also motivate him to explore more in the tech space.
If there is need to find out the specs of a system that would have the capacity for the softwares needed, Please contact the Admin desk.
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