Student Report

Kamsi Okpe 8/04/2024


Holiday Bootcamp


April 8, 2025


9:00 am


4:00 pm


Edge (Web Junior)

Courses Learnt

Game Dev (Kodu)Corel Draw


Kodu: Design a level 2 for your game project CorelDraw: Complete the class project by adding logo and brand name


CorelDraw X5 Notepad for documenting notes and assignments Kodu Game Lab 1.3 version

Assessment (Last Week)

For Kamsi's Kodu classes, he has shown a basic understanding of Kodu game lab as he has learnt and understand its basic concepts. He understands how to add objects, build a terrain and he was also able to design and build a game in Kudo. Progressing in the course, Kamsi would have a solid understanding of it. For Kamsi's CorelDraw classes, he has also shown a basic understanding of the course, he created a house using shapes and colors, He also used shapes in creating a logo and by the use of typography and shapes he was able to design a business card. Additionally he understands how to align objects in designs. Progressing in the course, Kamsi would learn to design a visually appealing birthday flyer, and a greeting card and at the end of the Bootcamp,he would have a solid understanding of how to use CorelDraw


Kamsi is doing incredibly well in class; he behaves nicely, completes assignments on time, and shows a keen interest in what he is been taught.

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