Student Report

Isabella – 09/04/24


Holiday Bootcamp


April 9, 2025


9:00 am


2:00 pm


Mozilla (Web Intermediate)

Courses Learnt

SketchupPython with PictoBlox


SketchUp : Model two pieces of furniture in your house (dining table and chairs, cabinet, bedroom, living room, etc) Python with PictoBlox : Designing the Game Background.


SketchUp software Pictoblox software

Assessment (Last Week)

Isabella showed interest in SketchUp as a 3D modeling software, she has also been diligent in testing out the tools and can carry out simple projects in class as well. She asks questions when she doesn't understand, and tries to take the initiative to find solutions when she is stuck. Her ability to use her imagination has improved significantly. She shows great promise. In python with pictolox, being new to the software, it took her time to grasp python and pictoblox software, it has significantly improved and she can now run simple projects in class.


Isabella would need to practice a bit more on her own, as she is yet to fully grasp the use of the major tools in sketchup. she would also need to practice in python since it is a new territory to her. She does show great promise in both classes and we are proud to see how well she has been able to assimilate all she is taught

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