Student Report

Dainkeh Ziyad 9/4/2024


Holiday Bootcamp


April 9, 2025


8:00 am


2:00 pm


Safari (Web Advanced)

Courses Learnt

Game Dev (Unity)Sketchup


Create an additional platform within the game environment and incorporate various models into it. Task Description: Your assignment is to expand the existing game environment by introducing a new platform and integrating different models into it. This task aims to enhance the gameplay experience and add visual interest to the game. Instructions: Design and implement a new platform within the game environment. Ensure the new platform complements the existing aesthetics and mechanics of the game. Select suitable models to incorporate onto the newly created platform.


Unity Editor software Sketchup software Sublime Text/ Visual studio code

Assessment (Last Week)

Ziyad has acquired comprehensive knowledge regarding Unity's user interface, encompassing the process of incorporating models into Unity, constructing various platforms, scripting functionalities within the Unity environment, and integrating animations onto game objects. He has also been able to grasp the basic concepts and tools offered by SketchUp to create 3d models and designs


Ziyad's classroom performance stands out for its exceptional productivity, marked by his adeptness at solving problems and his insatiable curiosity. He consistently engages with tasks and inquiries, demonstrating a proactive approach to learning that enriches the overall class dynamic.

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