AbdulQodir Tejidini 8/04/2024
Holiday Bootcamp
April 8, 2025
8:33 am
2:57 pm
Edge (Web Junior)
Courses Learnt
Game Dev (Kodu), Corel Draw
Kodu: Design a level 2 for your game project
CorelDraw: Complete the class project by adding a logo and a brand name
CorelDraw X5
Kodu Game Lab 1.5
A notepad for documenting notes and assignment
Assessment (Last Week)
For AdbulQodir's Kodu classes, he has shown a basic understanding of Kodu game lab as he has learnt and understood its basic concepts. He understands how to add objects, build a terrain and he was also able to design and build a game in Kudo. Progressing in the course, AdbulQodir's would have a solid understanding of Kodu Game Lab
For AdbulQodir's CorelDraw classes, he has also shown a basic understanding of the course, he created a house using shapes and colors, He also used shapes in creating a logo and by the use of typography and shapes he was able to design a business card. Additionally he understands how to align objects in designs. Progressing in the course, AdbulQodir's would learn to design a visually appealing birthday flier, and a greeting card. At the end of the Bootcamp, he would have a solid understanding of CorelDraw
AbdulQodir is of good behaviour, he is catching up quickly, and exhibits a great level of creativity in his designs.
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