Bootcamp Report

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1Canva- Canva Interface
- Design of ID Card
- Design of Photo Collage
- Create personal ID Card and Photo Collage using Canva Element
1Kodu Game Dev- Kodu Interface & Tools
- Building Walls & Hills for Game
- Add Character & Objects to a Game
- Use Hill & Path Tools to design a Game world of your choice
2Canva- Design of Poster
- Design of Animated Graphics in Canva
- Create an animated poster
2Digital Literacy- Basic Computer Navigation
- Computer File-Folder Operations
- Mouse & Keyboard Practice
2Robotics- Motion Sensor System-
2Kodu Game Dev- Add different Objects to a Game World
- Introduction to Coding in Kodu
- Understanding conditions in Kodu (When & Do)
- Create a Game where the Character navigates through obstacles to the finish Point
3Kodu Game Dev- Advanced Kodu Tools
- Create levels in Games (Level 1 & 2)
- To create a Level 3 Game for the Summer Project
33D Paint- 3D Paint Interface & Tools
- Create a Fish Tank
- Create a Lego Block
- Create a Table
3Robotics- Assemble self-driving Car
- LED Blinking using PictoBlox with Arduino
- Write Code for a Traffic Light Simulation
4Graphics (3D Paint)- Create 3D models of keys, lollipop and Birthday Cake
4STEM- Art
- Science Experiment (Air pressure and Bernoulli's Principle)
4Kodu Game Dev- Started 2024 Summer Boot Camp Project
- Learnt how include level bars for characters
- Advance controls application
- Conduction Of Our Summer Bootcamp Class Test
- Create a game of your choice and set various codes to guide the functionality’s of the game