
Bootcamp Report

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1Electronics- Understanding Computer Hardware
- Parts and function of a PC Components
- Dismantling a Computer CPU
1Robotics- Motion Sensor System-
1Canva- Canva Interface & Tools
- Design Welcome to Summer Bootcamp Flyer
- Design Happy Birthday Flyer
2Robotics- Distance Measurement System-
2Canva- Use of Canva's Draw Tool
- Design of Food Poster
- Design Animal Fun Fact Card
- Complete the Design of Animal Fun Fact Card
3Robotics- Traffic Light Simulation-
Canva- Storytelling and Animation using Canva
- Design of ID Card
Text alignment in Canva
- Create a short story using Canva Animation
4Sketch Up 3D- Sketchup Interface & Tools
4Digital Literacy (MS Excel)- Anatomy & Terms of a Spreadsheet
- MS Excel Tools & Interface
- Excel Basics (Formatting & Formula)
4S.T.E.M- Art
- Science Experiment (Air pressure and Bernoulli's Principle)
4Kodu Game Dev- Beginning Of 2024 Summer Bootcamp Project
- Advanced controls application
- Attempt To Code All The characters for the Summer Bootcamp Project