Bootcamp Report

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1Scratch- Scratch Interface & Tools
- What is a Sprite
- How to move a Sprite
1Kid Pix 3D- Kid Pix 3D Interface & Tools (Brushes, Colours, Shapes, Eraser, Stamp, Undo Function -
2Scratch- Create a Piano with the Number Keys
2Kid Pix 3D- Drawing House
- Drawing Landscapes
- Drawing Underwater Scene
- Free Style Drawing
3Scratch- Create a Popping Balloon Game
- Cat chasing Rat Game (Tom & Jerry)
3Kid Pix 3D- Working with Backgrounds
- Animating Drawings
- Working with Sound Effects
- Working with Text Tool
- Using Text Tool, write your name, age, and date of birth on KidPix 3D Canva
- Pick a 3D Snow Background
- Create an Underwater Scene with animated Fish
4Scratch- Motion Blocks in Scratch (Computer Mouse Triggered Movement & Random movement on Sprites
- Creation of a cat and mouse chase game
4Kid Pix 3D- Create different scenes: underwater, space scenes ⁠, and jungle scenes.